Horse Breeds: Bhirum Pony, Bhotia Pony, Black Forest Horse, Boer Horse, Breton Horse

By Phillipe Wiskell


Established in the Nigerian north regions, the Bhirum Pony is a breed of dwarf horses.


Bred and raised in various regions such as Darjeeling, Sikkim, Bhutan, and Nepal, the Bhotia Pony, is a pack and riding horse. The Bhotia Pony is comparable, though less broad than the Tibetan Pony. Distinct color characteristics are generally bay or a white-gray color.


The Black Forest horse, also known as Schwarzwalder Fuchs, is originally from the southern Germany tow of Baden-Wurttemberg. The Black Forest is located within this town and thus derives the name of the horse. The Black Forest horse is often compared to a smaller version of the Noriker or a larger version of the Haflinger. Typically used as forest horses in a region of intense hills or farming, this horse is also used for riding and as a coach horse as well.


Those who have contact with the Black Forest Horse typically describes them as long lived, high in fertility, excellent character, lively, and nimble. The horse comes in the colors of dark silver and sorrel, with light colored tails and manes. They weigh around 500 kilograms and stand about 153 to 160 centimeters.

Popularity of the Black Forest horse continues to rise in the year 1999, there were 45 registered stallions and 700 registered mares.


The Boer Horse has a long and colorful history. The development and growth of this breed of horse was in connection to the development and growth of white settlers in Southern Africa. In reality, the history of this breed and its development has been attributed to three different phases.

The first phase began in the Cape. In 1652 Jan van Riebeeck arrived and this pahses ends in 1836 when the Great Trek began. This phase begins when the horses were imported to the cape from Java.

The second phase began at the end of the first, with the Great Trek in 1836 to the Boer War start in 1899. This was when different breeds of horses were introduced into not only the cape, but the republics as well. This is where we begin to see some strong Boer Horse influence, as the result of different horse types breeding.

After the Boer War all the way into the present day, the Boer Horse was seen as a mobile, hardy horse with strong stamina. They were able to perform even unde difficult conditions.


Originating in France, the Breton Horse is typically useful for farming and heavy draft work. This magnificent horse is anywhere between 15 and 16 h.h. This history of the Breton is voiced with many different opinions. Some will testify that the Breton breed dates as far back as 4,000 years. This being when the breed was introduced to Europe by migrants from Asia. Other people will testify that the breed dates to the Celtic Warrior time, being a descendent from smaller horses.

Celtic warriors likely had some form of steppe horse that were typically bred within the Breton Mountains, then during the Crusades, breeding occurred between Oriental mares and stallions, which then produced the Bidet Breton. The middle ages saw the existence of the Roussin and Sommier, both Breton breeds.

Thanks to the amble, brisk trot, and comfortable gait, the Bidet Breton horse was extremely popular during Middle Aged times. Today, there are three specific types of the Breton breed, these being the Small Breton Draft Horse, The Breton Draft Horse, and the Postier Breton. The small draft horse is typically smaller than the ancient Breton, but more closely related, as well as enduring and hardy. The Breton Draft, has more bulk and much heaving, having a strong muscular makeup. The Postier Breton is the same size as the draft horse, though more distinguished and beautiful.

Typically, Bretons are put to use as seaweed gatherers or on small farms.

About the Author: Phillipe Wiskell is a writer for, popular classifieds of horses for sale, used trailers and ranches for sale.


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