Geocaching Outdoor Recreation And Adventure

Geocaching Outdoor Recreation and Adventure


Robin Shortt

Geocaching, have you tried out this new high – tech hobby yet? Its getting,


very popular! What is it? Geocaching is a fun adventure game for GPS users. The idea is to have different groups both individual and organized set caches up all over the world and then share the locations of these caches on the internet. After finding the location coordinates GPS users can then locate the caches. As caches are discovered, the finder will usually enjoy a variety of treasures. Geocache Treasure or Rewards The only thing the treasure finder is asked to do on finding a cache is to add something themselves. All the visitor is asked to do is, if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache. This sure is a great way to be outdoors and enjoy the adventure and thrill of the hunt! What things might you find in a cache, all depends on its size,the log book, non-perishable food items, books, toys, cds. Besides the rewards, caches most often contain a log book of sorts that the cache hunters can leave a log entry or note for those future cache hunters. What Is GPS The GPS letters stand for “Global Positioning System,” there are a series of about two dozen satellites in a low earth orbit that constantly broadcasts their position. The receivers then triangulate on these signals and determine where you are on the earth’s surface. After selecting a cache, entering the coordinates into your GPS receiver, the receiver will then show you just how far away the cache is and in what direction it is in. What Makes This So Exciting The truth is getting to the cache is where most of the fun lies. Just think about it, even if you know exactly how far and in what direction to go, what obstigals lie before you. A forest, a highway, swamp, mountain and many other impassible barriers. The idea is you need to find your way around these obstigals. Remembering to stay within the law, getting permission when necessary to cross private property. Most caches are accesssable throught public land anyway. Whats The Cost To participate in geocaching is completely free, although you will need a GPS receiver. They will generally run you around a hundred dollars and up to buy one. Other than that its free. You should always remember to carry some extra cash, for ovious things like gas for your car, parking, munchies, etc. Did you know that on May 2nd, 2000 Dave Ulmer placed the first cache near Portland Oregon. The birth of geocaching. Val and Robin Shortt are experienced campers and own three outdoor websites. For more information on gps, camping, hiking and more tips like these on Camping Equipment

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Geocaching Outdoor Recreation and Adventure