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Five Mistakes to Avoid at the Gym.
Todd Boyer
Do you make these mistakes at the gym?
From pet peeves to technical errors-do you make these mistakes at the gym?
Talking – Youre at the gym, busting butt in the squat rack-really moving some weight. For some reason, some dude decides that hes going to come over and strike up a conversation. I hate this. Id rather wipe up some jerks sweat off of a bench than to be interrupted to talk about last nights game.
Dont get me wrong, I like to socialize as much as the next person. Just dont bug me while Im in the middle of training. Thats my time. Leave me be.
House cleaning Your mom doesnt work at the gym. And if she does, she still doesnt want to clean up after you. When youre done, put the weights away. And for the love of Pete, wipe the sweat off of the bench. You might as well be leaving pee on the toilet seat. Dont even get me started on that subject!
No warm up/cool down This isnt an etiquette thing. This is just flat out good advice. Before you start cranking out sets on the bench press, hop your butt up on a bike for 5 minutes to get the juices flowing.
When youre done doing curls for the girls, but before you head off to the locker room, do another five minutes on the bike or treadmill to cool down. This will help bring your heart rate back inline, and work the lactic acid out of your muscles.
Poor form How many times have we seen that idgit doing a half assed job in order to move more weight? Most recently I witnessed a guy doing cable triceps extensions. I could only shake my head. He was using the whole stack. Impressive, no?
This guy had THE worst form I had ever seen. He wasnt extending all the way, his stance was awkward to say the least, and he was rocking to use momentum to complete the lift. He was getting little to know benefit for this effort. Not to mention the fact that he was opening himself up to injury.
If you dont know how to do something, step away from that piece of equipment. Find somebody that can help you. You will keep yourself, and in some cases other people safe. There is also the added bonus of actually accomplishing something positive, aside from an ego boost (and me not laughing at you).
Incorrect weight In some ways this is related to the last one. If you havent seen this in person, go to youtube and do a search for gym bloopers. You are bound to find some genius on there trying to lift way more weight than they should ever dream of.
Do not be this dude. If you are going to push yourself, find a good spotter or two. This will help assure that you do not crush your windpipe or snap your spine.
This goes the other way also. There is no reason to do 20 reps with 5 lbs. dumbbells-by anybody.
Over doing it You do not have to run on a treadmill like a hamster for 90 minutes. You do not need to work on your biceps for an hour. Training like this will (notice I didnt say may) lead to over training.
Be efficient with your workouts. Do what you have to do, and get out. A proper weight training session shouldnt take more than 45 minutes. Using High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), you can do your cardio in 20-25 minutes. Thats it.
Look at that list. Now think to yourself-do you make these mistakes at the gym? To learn more and find out how to avoid these mistakes and also ask questions. Todd is always there to answer them for you.
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Five Mistakes to Avoid at the Gym.}