Beats That Make Your Head Bob

Beats That Make Your Head Bob


Beat Man

For many centuries, nearly all human cultures in all places of the world dance to the drum. Its ubiquity probably stems from the fact that it is the simplest instrument of all. Beats are produced in so many ways, from knocking sticks to hitting logs or water.

Human beings like rhythm. Our bodies pulse their own tempo, with heart and lungs pumping regularly. Chores, particularly mechanical ones, seem easier in rhythm.

Three very important aspects of sensory processing are repetition, regularity, and conclusion when it comes to human beings. The predictable and even sounds of a rhythm work with these.


Because of these properties, it is possible to manipulate the expectations of the listener in novel ways. This is the essence of syncopation in that slight aberrations in strict timing result in a subjectively exciting experience.

Over the years, the drum went from being a solo instrument to part of a massed orchestra. Many drummers playing differently sized drums together began to develop the idea of polyrhythm.

The second half of the twentieth century say the drum’s return to its solo status, especially when it came to the instrument’s most popular application. By this point however, humans were no longer interested in monophonic rhythm no matter how varied.

Rock and Roll music turned out to be the popular thing as far as drums were concerned. Modern drum kits are not solo instrument, and because of this the exciting polyrhythms which we have come to love and enjoy are still perfectly possible to create.

There are essentially two kinds of beats. Completely measured, predictable, and monotonous drumming which creates a sort of stupor or hypnosis, and the exciting dance inducing activity of the polyrhythm. Both have their uses, and both continue to enjoy popularity among nearly all listeners around the world.

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Rap Beats

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