Low Cost Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery Abroad}

Low cost Tubal Ligation reversal surgery abroad


Albert Grant

Tubal ligation reversal abroad

Tubal ligation reversal is a procedure to counter a previous procedure of tubal ligation, which is a permanent method of female sterilization. There is a need for affordable tubal ligation reversal surgery, as increasing number of women want to relive experience of childbirth. Tubal ligation reversal cost abroad, is a fraction of the cost of the same procedure in the United States. with options of cheap tubal ligation reversal in India and instantaneous and quick tubal reversal ligation in Mexico, more and more Americans are looking outside for cost effective solutions. With the advantage of international quality of care and low tubal ligation reversal prices, Jordan has evolved as a leading medical tourism destination. With several highly qualified tubal ligation reversal specialists in Turkey, several women travel to the European country to seek good quality of medical care.

Why Tubal Ligation Reversal?


Tubal ligation procedure is a method of permanent female sterilization. The procedure involves tying up both the fallopian tubes together, so as to obstruct the travel path of the ovum (from the ovaries to the uterus) and thereby prevent future pregnancy.

Statistical data is suggestive that over half a million women, each year undergo tubal ligation surgery in the United States. The objective is to limit the size of the family. However, it is believed that over six percent of the women undergoing tubal ligation, request for reversal surgery, primarily due to the wish to relive the experience child birth. The procedure of recannalization or reversal is also refered to as Tubal re anastomosis. In addition tubal ligation reversal is considered by several women as alleviate the symptoms that are common after tubal ligation which include menstrual irregularities, vaginal dryness, loss of libido and early onset of menopausal symptoms.

Not all women can undergo the reversal surgery as there are several determinants to the reversal surgery which include age, the procedure that was used for ligation, the position of the ligation, length of the fallopian tube available and the overall medical condition of the women. The success rate after tubal ligation reversal ranges from 20% to 80%, with the chances of women below to age of 40 years to conceive being as high as 80%. The success rate also depends upon the technique which is used, with conventional techniques showing a slightly lower success rate compared to microsurgical procedures, which show a success rate of as high as 90%

There are two basic techniques for conducting the tubal ligation reversal surgery.

Conventional Tubal ligation reversal Surgery: The conventional surgery is also referred to as a open surgery, which involves making a large incision on the abdominal/ pelvic wall to gain access to the fallopian tube. It is a major surgical procedure and takes a few hours. The surgeon will unclamp and remove the device that blocks the tubes and reattach them together by placing either an implant or stitching the two ends. Tubal ligation through microsurgery: The procedure is a minimal invasive surgery and has several advantages over the conventional technique. The advantages include reduced time for surgery, minimization of post operative complications, reduced hospitalization stay. The greatest advantage however is that the tiny inner opening of the tubes can be connected with greater accuracy, thereby increasing chances of conception and reducing failure.

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Tubal ligation reversal abroad


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Low cost Tubal Ligation reversal surgery abroad