Jehovah S Witnesses Basic Beliefs And Practices

Submitted by: Abraham Saleh Ayekooto

Among various Christian groups found all over the Earth in this modern era, Jehovah s Witnesses are obviously the most enthusiastic group to convey their teachings and beliefs to the people. Therefore their beliefs and practices are far from being secret. Even non-Christians are aware of these beliefs and practices as spread about in their attractive colorful and illustrative literatures. These attractive literatures – books, pamphlets and tracts are very much available in virtually all the languages spoken internationally and locally. In this article, I wish to state clearly some very basic and fundamental beliefs and practices of the Jehovah s Witnesses as contained in their literatures.

Bible – Divine Source of Wisdom

The Jehovah Witnesses believe that the Bible in its totality is an inspired book of God. Without any prejudice Jehovah s Witnesses study, interpret and apply the Holy Bible to their day to day activities. Their beliefs and practices are basically and solely derived from the Holy Bible. They also believe that that some of words of the holy Bible can only be understood in their symbolic meanings only. Such words cannot be taken in their ordinary literal meaning.

Jehovah – the One and Only Creator

The Jehovah s Witnesses are monotheists in all its manifestations. They believe that God is one and that His real and personal name is Jehovah or Yahweh as used in the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible. Nobody shares this name with him. They use no icons or images in worshipping Jehovah.

Jesus Christ – Man and Savior


The Jehovah s Witnesses are basically distinguished from the other Christians by their belief that Jesus Christ, although a Savior and Firstborn of all creation, is a created being and not part of Trinity. They assert that the Father is greater than the Son. They believe that Jesus Christ lived in heaven before coming to this Earth and later returned there. They also believe, like other Christians, that nobody comes to God except through Jesus Christ.

God s Kingdom a Real Realm

The Jehovah s Witnesses believe that this is a real heavenly kingdom where Jesus Christ rules along with other 144,000 co rulers. When the whole earth will have been cleansed of all wickedness and will be inhabited by only God-fearing people then this group of rulers will rule over many millions of righteous humans.

The Earth Enduring Forever

The Jehovah s Witnesses strongly believe that the Earth does not cease to exist at any point in time. It endures forever. The Earth will be turned to Paradise and inhabited forever by righteous humans after the wicked people will have been destroyed. They believe that it is then that the will if God always prayed for in the Lord s Prayer will be realized.

Bible Prophecy An Inevitable Reality

The Jehovah s Witnesses put their trust in God s prophecy and strongly believe that God cannot lie. Whatever he foretells will surely come to pass. They however lay more emphasis on the prophecies that are related to the end of the present world order, the apocalypse, and a cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of wickedness. Hence they warn the people against these end time tragedies.

Obedience to Secular Authorities

In accordance to the divine wisdom contained in the holy Bible that Pay back Caesar s things to Caesar, but God s things to God. , the Jehovah s Witnesses obey the laws and constitution of the Land in as much as these do not run in conflict with the will of God. They strike balance between the mundane and the spiritual authorities.

Baptism Based on Dedication

Jehovah s Witnesses, like other Christian denominations, baptize their members by water immersion. What differentiates this group from others is that they baptize only those who, on the basis of thorough study of the Bible, want to dedicate their lives to serve God as one of his Witnesses.

Preaching the Good News

Notwithstanding whether people listen or not, the Jehovah s Witnesses regard it a great honor and dignity to share the word of God with the people. This is in fulfillment of what Jesus Christ predicted that this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed all over the Earth before the end of this present world. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom is the major work of the Jehovah s Witnesses.

About the Author: Abraham Saleh Ayekooto is the founder of the popular

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